E-CIBS is the performance journal of the International Brecht Society. Established in 1971, it has been published electronically since 2016.

We welcome all things Brechtian, Brecht adjacent and Brechtian approaches to all things. We are also interested more broadly in links between cultural production, progressive / emancipatory aesthetics, and politics.


Submissions should be between 1000 and 3000 words, unless otherwise discussed beforehand with the editors and conform to the E-CIBS Style Guide for Submissions.

We accept submissions in English, German, French, and Spanish.
Please contact the E-CIBS co-editors with questions and submissions:

Joerg Esleben, PhD.
University of Ottawa
Editors [at] e-cibs.org
Anthony Squiers, PhD., Habil
AMDA College of the Performing Arts
Editors [at] e-cibs.org


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